Jan 16Liked by Robert Basler

Are we allowed to blow raspberries, or bubbles?

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Jan 16Liked by Robert Basler

Congrats. Looking forward to the merchandise promoting the milestone.

I’d recommend two-sided Basler big head yard signs, but it looks like POTUS beat you to that.

Oh, well. You’ll think of something.

I have it from a reliable source in the Primrose HOA that a plaque in your honor will be duly placed in March on that Ave’s walk of fame, in front of 1613.

Admittedly that followed an at times contentious discussion as to whether 44th St “on the bend” falls within the parameters of the award’s boundaries.

So glad the final vote, close as it was, was in your favor. I welcome the newest honoree.

Very deserving!!

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Jan 18Liked by Robert Basler

Robert Basler, we admire and applaud your deep devotion to animals, especially since you don't eat very many of them. (The occasional shrimp, I've observed) BUT have you no empathy for clowns? We don't even THINK about eating them, and they entertain us so beautifully, that I hope you WILL send them in for the grand occasion. Meanwhile, BRAVO on your incredible readership and here's to a GREAT celebration! I can't top the eloquent praise heaped upon you by Marty and Anne-Marie, let alone the other lovely folks below, but I echo their congratulations and eagerness to celebrate you1

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Dear Bob,

Congratulations! And how generous of you to invite us all down to your place for this non-circussy celebration. You and Barb must have a very large house. Or are you ushering the overspill to Marty's place? Now, I do have a few dietary restrictions I know you'll want to hear about; I'm sending them under separate cover. As for alcohol, no restrictions whatsoever. And since I'll be down there, I might as well stay until Mar 19. Here's hoping not ALL your readers have the same idea: I'm not nuts about sharing a room or bathroom.

Again, many thanks. My 2 steamer trunks are almost packed.

I'm proud to know you Bob!


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Jan 16Liked by Robert Basler

Quite a wonderful achievement! You could serve some of that great Makers Mark.

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Jan 16Liked by Robert Basler

Hooray! Maybe we can all march around the block with adult supervision for a bunch of mini parades. Oooh, as many parades as page views.

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Jan 16Liked by Robert Basler

🎉🎊Congratulations 🎉🥂🎊 Gwen Hughes

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