Apr 7Liked by Robert Basler

MY God, you're the one who took his Lexus to 44th and Primrose hoping to interview people about a murder! Surely you can knock on a door on Meridian to ask what isn't so bad about a Hoosier.

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Apr 7Liked by Robert Basler

My extensive research proves that in other states they shot first and asked “Who’s There?” Later. Which is why Hoosiers ain’t so bad. You’re welcome.

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Apr 7Liked by Robert Basler

Several good LOLs in there! Thank you. And as I often say, "I've never met a Hoosier I didn't like." It's true. Though I usually say "person from Indiana." (California has a lot of good ones.)

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Apr 7Liked by Robert Basler

I don't understand why such a fuss about being a kitchen cabinet?

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Apr 7Liked by Robert Basler

It adds a touch of mystique to the state.

Look for “Horton Hears a Hoosiers” in the libraries there. You could read it while enjoying a hot brown chicken with egg on a biscuit for breakfast.

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Apr 9Liked by Robert Basler

Dear Bob Basler, whom I have known almost my whole life (All Souls Unitarian Church) - I knew you were brilliant (and kinda good looking, by the way), but who knew you would become an author that I consider to be ALMOST as good as Vonnegut or Wakefield (Shortridgers, by the way- sorry, they didn't even KNOW about Broad Ripple High School, your alma mater)? At any rate, these 5 am Stories just get BETTER AND BETTER and I laughed a LOT during this one. BRAVO!!!

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Apr 7Liked by Robert Basler

Also, there is a heck of lot of other things going on with that car. I think the bigger question is how many hippies are there in Indianapolis and where to they congregate?

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Apr 7Liked by Robert Basler

Take that antique pistol from your sweater drawer and knock on their door!

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Apr 7Liked by Robert Basler

Just off the bus.

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Apr 7Liked by Robert Basler

Great story as always, Bob. Assuming “Hoosier,” can be construed as a compliment, what, in your opinion, is tacitly required of one who deigns to wear the moniker? Born and raised in Indiana? Or perhaps mere residency for more than, say, eighteen months? Burning questions.

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You can be as PROUD as you want to!!! ENCORE! ENCORE!

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It's a good one ,Bob...

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